Coming Soon - Donate Online
Soon the possibility will open to donate to the association directly online with a credit card and in any amount. You are welcome to update this page later.
Donation by check
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support for Benafshenu, which enables the proper support in these complex times, to the Israeli citizens, for mental, emotional and social support, to all those affected by the recent events and the war.
The address for sending checks is:
Benafshenu - The Israeli Center for Mental Health & Social Support,
Founded by Amcha (R.A.)
Hillel 23, Jerusalem
Donation by bank transfer
Bank Account: Benafshenu - The Israeli Center for Mental Health & Social Support, Founded by Amcha (R.A.)
Poalim Bank
Branch XX
Account Number YY
SWIFT Information:
POALILIT (swift)